Tuesday, May 21, 2013

people are not my jam

Day Two. It's the second day of summer, and I did very little, and am not that proud of myself. I actually managed to get a fair amount of writing done, but it was adding little bits to very many storys, nothing substantial that feels like an accomplishment.

I went to the dinner party. It wasn't enjoyable. I don't like people. Dead cats are bad. Other people's grandparents are uninteresting. Trying to be polite is dull. Not making jokes about birds that are called Boobies is hard and unfair, and I was so mature, I didn't say anything, it suck. BOOBIES. I only want to see my people and no one else. Ugh.

I still haven't done any of the communicating with people things from yesterday's list. I fucking hate communicating, even with people I like. It causes me anxiety, and not doing it causes me anxiety, and nothing about this is good.

I've been listening to The Specials self titled album, and Searching for the Young Soul Rebels by Dexy's Midnight Runners, and I am enjoying them both a lot. It's interesting because they're from a similar era, and have similar vibes, but are still awfully different. The Specials remind me of being a freshman in high school, where I knew some people in this not-ska-Hold-Steady-loving band. I saw them play a handful of times that spring, and it was kind of fantastic. It was one of my formative listening to music experiences. There's this one dance move, an up-down step thing, and whenever I do it I'm reminded of being fourteen in an all ages show held in coffee shop in Hopkins, dancing, and feeling not quite cool enough to be there. Weirdly, that's all good associations. I am never not awkward, but sometimes I can enjoy my awkwardness.

I finished reading Canada's Game: Hockey and Identity. I thought this book was interesting because it takes an academic approach to hockey and Canada, which are both things I think about a lot, but my thoughts mostly involve exclamation points, CAPSLOCK, and curse words, not jargon. (Although I overuse the word problematic in my everyday life, which is the bane of all feminist students.) It wasn't a great book, but it did open up some new ways of looking at things. It's essays, so it's not surprising that it was a little bit scattershot. I wish it had been more direct/better, but oh well.

My next nonfiction book to start is John Dillinger Slept Here, which is about prohabition era Saint Paul, and I am super excited to start it!

I read a bit more of The Sirens of Titan today, but not much. Hopefully I will read some more before I go to bed, but no promises.

We went to Half-Price books after dinner, and I found two things. Bi any other name: bisexual people speak out, should be interesting. Plus, the name is a pun, and I'm a sucker for puns. The other is Mothers of Invention: Women of the Slaveholding South During the American Civil War. It is a present for Emma, but I might read it.

I watched "Journey to the Center of the Tardis," and was disappointed that it was a real action adventure story instead of an episode where the Doctor and Clara decided to not go explore a planet, but instead explored the Tardis, and tried on different clothes, and drank tea, and hung out by the swimming pool. I can't decide if I'm thrilled by the episodes since the Ponds departure. Clara herself is lovely, but I haven't been thrilled by a lot of the story lines? But it could all turn into something splendid by the end of the season; Doctor Who does that sometimes. RTD did that all the time, but I wouldn't put it past Moffat.

No significant cooking happened today. I have been eating poorly this week. I can't find the good noodle pot, which has stopped me from making pasta salad. We bought things to make sandwiches so tomorrow should be better.

Tomorrow will also be better because I am not going to stay up past three tonight, which I did last night. Also, I am going to see Clair tomorrow, which is great. I'm going to end on a positive note.

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