Friday, November 02, 2012

insomnia diary november 2

that was terrible.
i don't have classes on fridays so theoretically i could stay up and sleep in as long as i want, even though that's a dumb idea. I had good intentions, I swear I did, but well...
It didn't work.
The last time I saw the clock it was quarter after four. I didn't want to be awake, i just couldn't make myself go to bed. it wasn't helped by mother waking up in the middle of the night, but if i had been asleep already that wouldn't have mattered.
I must have been asleep by around five because I didn't notice my dad leaving for work.
woken up before eleven by mother singing. not fun. sat up when my alarm went off, but didn't manage to get out of bed until around 2. total failure at having a day.
No dreams, but right before I feel asleep I did realize what was missing from my story so I can write that now, which is good. silver lining. doesn't feel like much.
I might stay up all night on saturday or sunday to kick myself into having better sleep pattern, but I don't know if that's possible.
The other idea is to try one of the weird pattern things a friend of mine was talking about during the summer, sleeping less throughout the day, instead of all at night. that might be interesting? or at least, if this doesn't work, it would be an exciting new kind of disaster. I'll have to ask him how his experiments went.

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