Sunday, April 24, 2011


Pax Romana
A messy episode in which a lot happened, wrapping all the stray plots, not making tons of sense, or being very satisfactory.
Everything was very epic. Political manipulations and potentialy world ending stakes, taking place in grand CG vistas.
Epic, but not very good. Not coherent, or moving, or funny. It was an episode that got a lot done, but without much style.

Was the complete oposite. Magnus returns to the Sanctuary from a conference and finds the place trashed. It's a clear cut mystery, a monster of the week that gets discovered and resolved neatly.

I like the idea of Sanctuary reaching for more grandiose story lines, but not if they don't sucseed. It can be a very good show on a smaller scale. I appreciated the risk, but was happy to see the world reigned back in, concentrating on the simpler things that made me a fan in the first place.

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