Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fairy Tales

So, I started watching Once Upon A Time, and am now caught up. Thoughts. There shall be spoilers.

  • I like how there are lots of female characters and they all manage to be fairly badass. Still, they talk a lot about boys, because Henry is a boy, so I'm not entirely sure if it's a Bechdel pass. Still, just the amount of female characters makes me happy.
  • There are also boys! Graham had such an amazing accent, then he died, and I was sad, but then Eoin Bradley from Band of Brothers showed up and I was less sad. Go shows that have cool women and cute boys!
  • About Graham's death: did not want. Not just that I'm sadened, but it seemed like a waste. I don't believe in killing characters when they could still to something interesting. His death seemed wasted as a plot point, unless they're planning on bringing him back. Which would rock, but would be hard to explain.
  • Also Graham's death wrecked what I wanted from the fandom, which is lots of fluffy stories with summaries like "Henry has two Mommies, and they have a Sheriff, and he has a Wolf." So it's probably a good thing I don't write fic?
  • Regina needs to be eviler. I think that she's evil in sort of a shallow way. Like, seriously evil, but we don't really see much, because, well, it's a family show.
  • It really is a family show, but only for biological families. I am actually upset at how this show continually values genetic connection and disregards the ideas of found families. That just isn't how I operate, and also feel that it's slightly offensive to all of the wonderful blended, unconventional families that are around.

Monday, January 16, 2012

take good care of yourself

Back at school tomorrow, argh. classes don't start til tuesday but have to do the whole re-moving/settling/locating/textbook thing. not excited.
Well, yes excited, but skeptically. If given another week would probably be prepared to murder the parents, and that's not good. So, excited? It's all in the question mark.

This is me giving my self some advice for the next semester because I learned a lot since September and need to get my thoughts organized. It's good advice in general though, and I'd advise considering following it even if you aren't me.


  • take care of your skin and your hair and your body. It's the only one you get.
  • Don't spend time with people you don't like very much because it's convenient. I've met some great new people and have best friends who I love with all my heart, but there are also a lot of people who I don't need to share my time with. As an introvert I need to recognize that there is nothing unhealthy about being alone and that it's definitely preferable to being with people I don't like.
  • Speak up. Be yourself. This ties directly into the item above.
  • Don't go on dates with boys who could vote Republican. See above.
Also, fuck my wrist. I've been knitting a lot and using my computer at stupid angles and then babying it at different odd angles and it just sucks. I am like Queen sXe uptight about medication but really think I am going to take some pain killer before bed because it hurts like a motherfucker.
You can tell I'm in pain because I'm swearing more. Actually, I just want to cuss at my wrist like my dad does when the kitchen drawers attack. Only I'm afraid it will scare the cat, and we wouldn't want that.
I will miss her so much when I go back to school. She is my baby. She was created for me to pick up and carry around. Absolutely. Don't listen to anything she meows to the contrary. I am the person in this situation so I know what is going on.

Now my wrist is making me type weird, so that's all.

Stay beautiful!