Monday, April 25, 2011


I am reading along with as the television show errors, or at least that was the plan, but then I just kept on reading, and don't really plan on stopping soon. I swear, being obsessed with these books is contageous. Last month I was rolling my eyes at Clair's enthusiasm and now I'm just as bad, and Emma is going to stab someone, only her mother taught her too nice manners.
So I am loving the books, and enjoying this show. My biggest complaint so far is how all of the younger characters are portrayed by significantly older actors. I understand the reasoning, but it's still distrurbing. Jon and Robb especially could be younger, (and also not look so much alike). I watched the premire at Clair's last week, and her younger brother was around. He's fourteen, the age the book says for Jon and Robb, and it seems really young. The show says they're seventeen, which is how old Clair is, and it still seems silly, because I look at those young men, and think, huh, they're a fair bit older than me.
But enough general thoughts.

The scene where Jon and Arya say goodbye and he gives her Needle was my favorite part of the episode. It had a lot of emotion, where a lot of the episode was exposition or checking off plot elements.
Daenrys's story is...interesting. I do not know how I feel about the gratouatous lesbians. I am actually greatful, because it could have been a lot worse.
God, Joffery is so annoying. I know we're meant to feel this way, but it's really frustrating.
I missed Bran's dream, but maybe it'll be in the next episode, and they just wanted to end the episode with him waking up.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

thought of the day: April 24 2011

Real People who also Fictional Characters are like how Orange is both a fruit and a color. I like it, but my brain can't completely understand.


Pax Romana
A messy episode in which a lot happened, wrapping all the stray plots, not making tons of sense, or being very satisfactory.
Everything was very epic. Political manipulations and potentialy world ending stakes, taking place in grand CG vistas.
Epic, but not very good. Not coherent, or moving, or funny. It was an episode that got a lot done, but without much style.

Was the complete oposite. Magnus returns to the Sanctuary from a conference and finds the place trashed. It's a clear cut mystery, a monster of the week that gets discovered and resolved neatly.

I like the idea of Sanctuary reaching for more grandiose story lines, but not if they don't sucseed. It can be a very good show on a smaller scale. I appreciated the risk, but was happy to see the world reigned back in, concentrating on the simpler things that made me a fan in the first place.


I just caught up with the last five episodes of Fringe and have this to say: Oh My God.
I am not even going to try to sum up all my thoughts on this. It is so crazy, and so good.

Five thoughts about Fringe {SPOILERS}
  1. Altlivia being a mother is working so much better than I would have predicted.
  2. The animation sequence worked, but I didn't love it. It was an interesting break though, and I appreciated that it was something different.
  3. Our universes Lincoln Lee with his geek glasses was swell. Here's hoping he returns.
  4. Anna Torv's Leonard Nimoy impression was funny and awesome.
  5. The second to latest episode ended with Olivia saying how, oh, that's the guy who's going to kill me, and then there is no follow up? I would like to know what it going on.
Generally, I am so in love.

Chicago Code

I do not have any specific thoughts to say about this show right this second, but generally it is a neat show and you should be watching it so it doesn't get cancelled. I feel like it maybe hasn't found it's feet 100% just yet, and while it's presently really good, it could be great. I normaly dislike cop shows on principle, but this is an exception.

The Impossible Astronaut

I am so excited! It's a new season of Dr. Who which is probably my favorite television show ever.
This was just excellent.
The stetson wearing was cool, obviously, because Stetsons are cool now.
The Silence are absolutely terrifying, if the aliens who you forget about as soon as you look away, and Silence is what I09 called them. They are the creepiest new-who villain yet, and I'd be pleased to see a lot more of them, which would be reasonable to expect considering this season's catchphrase is "The Silence is coming," or something along those lines.
I am very excited to learn what River's deal is, which reportedly happens before the summer hiatus.

I'm sure they're going to fix the doctor being dead. The question is if it's going to happen next week, before the summer, or at the end of the season.
I wonder if maybe it was River inside the Astronaut suit, killing him to fufill the paradox, and that this was her crime, the great man that she murdered? Probably not.
I don't know what I think about Amy being pregnant. I don't know if I believe it. If it's true I don't think I like it.
new rule: if you are going take time away from things like doing homework or reading books or writing things to watch television you must tell the internet what you think about it.

this is the latest attempt to make me blog regularly.
let's see how long it lasts and hope for the best.