Sunday, December 26, 2010


I was accepted at Hamline which is very cool, even though I'm not super excited about going there, but it is reassuring to know that I can at least go somewhere.
That next year deffinately I will be going to a good college, unless I choose otherwise, which I don't really see happening. I will not be stuck at mctc or doing nothing, not that those are particularly bad paths, just not the ones I want.
I have to write all of my common app school essays by the first and have only started today, so it will be lots and lots of fun this week! Not! but it will probably be good for me. There should be a class for college applying. Like, required, so doing the stuff that you have to do and then you get a grade, and it would be a super easy class so I would have an A and it would raise my gpa and then I would get accepted more places. It would kick ass, but also be really boring and suck a lot.
contraditions are my sunday brunch

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


there is school tommorow, and I submited my u aplication, and i'm listening to desire lines by deerhunter, and wishing i had a friend named lockett, which is the name of the man who is singing the song desire lines which I am listening to. It's a great name, too good for a character in a book. It should be a friend, or I should have a child, but not an immaginary person. this is a worthless post.

Monday, December 13, 2010


So, today is a snowday, and tommorrow is a snowday. Today I read books and listened to p4k's top songs of the year, 100-51. Tommorow I can do the same thing with different books, and songs 50-1, which can only be an improvement on an already satisfactory type of day. I love everything, except for school, obviously. There will only be three days left and then winter break. Best week ever.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


So, the twin cities have gotten about a foot and a half of snow this weekend, which is cool, I just wish it could have happened during the school week. Twelve years and I've never had a snowday. Yesterday basically all I did was watch tv, look at snow, and eat food. It was awesome. I have no idea what homework I have for tommorrow, except that I'm done with the math.
I like being snowed in. It makes me not have to think about the rest of the world.

Thursday, December 09, 2010


So, I got a tattoo today, and it hurt, but I think it was worth it. I went to the dentist on monday and that hurt worse, or at least it made me feel worse, hurt and ashamed of how I don't floss regularly, while this made me feel very damn cool and grown up. It's of a bat with swirls, and it's on my shoulder blade, and I don't have a picture to show you internet world. I got it at Leviticus in Minneapolis and they were very good. I went with my cousin Laura and she talked to the guy about san fransisco, and yeah... it happened.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010


So, it's like two in the morning and everything is really funny because I didn't sleep very much last night, and, um, it's two in the morning.
I am going to be so brain dead tommorrow it is going to suck, but whatever.

Friday, December 03, 2010

Friday Fun

When I was in elementry school we had something called friday fun, which was basically a couple hours of free time in the afternoon, and if you were naughty you don't get to play. If there wasn't school on friday it was called thursday thrills.
In fifth grade we colored our hair with magic markers. It didn't show up very well in mine, because it's very dark, dark enough that people call it black, though it isn't and that's just the contrast between the bleach. But it looked really cool in Mat's, because she used to be more blonde, and pretty well in Emma's, but she didn't like doing that.
Now my friday fun is reading Freak Angles, the weekly web comic by the crazy english man Warren Ellis. It is post apocolyptic steampunk fun. read and enjoy.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

woah hey

woah, hey, internet.
I love you and the manic street preachers and Batwoman. She is gettting her own tittle in febuary, and I am super excited. It will be the bomb. The zero issue from last week was really awesome, and incredibly pretty. This week there is i-zombie, which is consistently one of the best looking books I buy. If the art wasn't so awesome I wouldn't still be reading, even though the story's really good, just because it doesn't seem esentail. The art is the extra push it needed to win my dollars.

Monday, October 25, 2010

I can has real science

I went to the library today, drank some coffee, and made up some numbers, not particullarly in that order. I slept in, and forgot my phone, which wasn't as nice as it usually is. I sort of love not having my phone, it makes me feel free, but it was inconvenient today. It took me three tries to remember my mother's number.

I am getting seriously obsessed with Nikola Tesla. Nikola Tesla, Nikola Tesla, Nikola Tesla, I wrote his name maybe fifty times looping around my wrist in math today. Emma jabs at me when I say Nikola Tesla now, but I may have asked her too. I don't remember.
That's a type of conditioning.
We really should have just done our psych project on each other, it would have been ever so much more itneresting.
You know, Nikola Tesla probably had OCD? We don't know, because he's from a long time ago, but the internet makes it sound like a reasonable diagnoses.

I checked out a bigraphy on him at the library today, but I don't know if I'll read it, maybe, probably.

three cornered hats

so it's like two in the morning and I am still up. I was up till four yestrday because my parents were out of town so no one told me to go to bed. no one is telling me to go to bed now because they are sleeping because they are old and boring
i really should sleep because this is wasting my time
like, just a minute ago i was looking at pictures of panic! at the disco, because there was a link, and i clicked it, and on the other side was pictures of panic! at the disco. They used to be my favorite band and saying that now, four or five years later makes me feel unclean. But, like, I don't even know. Seeing Panic on the nothing rhymes with circus tour was my first concert, and it was fantastic. absolutely amazing, a spectacle, at the target center. I went with my dad and my friend johanna who I don't really even like very much, and my shoe lace died so i closed my converse up with safety pins, and felt cool. when songs off there first album come up on shuffell I don't skip them unless I am paying attention, then I do because i don't want it to scrobble it on because they're a top played band, and I don't want people to see that. I don't want to be associated with Panic! at the disco.
now i gotta go sleep ok whatever

Thursday, March 11, 2010

everything is real, nothing is possible

There has been a code yellow at school the past few days, but it was mostly boring. We watched the breakfast club. That was nice. There was a threat from Australia! Wow!
I don't have anything else to say.

Thursday, March 04, 2010


i just registered to take the act two months earlier then I had planned to, because the june date is also my cousin's wedding, and I am not freaking out, at all, not at all, I am not almost crying, and do not need icecream and chocolate urgently, and don't want to call emma, but can't because I can't find my fucking phone, and all of this is true, because i'm not a nearly compusive liar who gets by writing stories, because I am wel adjusted and know what i want to do with my life.
hell no.
wish me luck

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Fuck you dc comincs, this is not acceptable, at all. Fuck you James Robinson, you may have written Starman, creating Jack Knight, who is one of my absolute favorites, but you fucking killed Lian Harper, the most adorable character in the dcu to cause OLLIE of all people angst? That is not ok. You put an itsy amazing minority CHILD in a fucking refigerator, which means you just fail at life. I mean, really?
Lian is awesome, Roy is awesome, the arrows are all awesome, and you are not. At all.
Why did it have to be LIAN? I would be pissed if you killed someone else, Mia, Connor, Roy, maybe even Dinah, but not LIAN, because she is an inoocent. If she is not alive before the end of brightest day I...I don't know what I am going to do, but it is going to be a strong, violent action.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Life is intriguing.
have been writing some, but should be doing more.
have been a bit of a spaz in the whole interpersonal relations thing, but no more then ever.
slightly negligent about school work, but it's kept away the late winter blues so far, so it's a win.
school is fairly easy, excpet when it's not.
have gotten almost to the end of the 3rd season of heroes, slightly masochisticly.
thinking about what to watch next.
lost is intriguing, but don't want to give mat the satisfaction, and the few times I've seen it it's given me nightmares.
library-comics-russian adventure tomorrow! yeah!
listening to Grouper, which is pretty sounding.
should be writing S.A.F.E. 3, but don't feel like it/ am brain dead/ lazy/ paniced.

xo bessie

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I have new boots and they are absolutely fantastic.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

the top 3 or so crush worthy comic book characters

So, I don't know why I came up with this list. It just sort of happened. Does that ever happen to you, where lists just write themselves in your brain?

It's Captain America. Must I be more specific?

2. Dream
Sandman's Morpheus is mysterious, broody, and has fantastic hair.

3. Robins
Must I pick just one? I don't know if I could.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


So, I hurt my foot, and it really hurts, and I should take some pain medication, but I have issues, and one of them is swallowing pills.
It is very painful.
It makes me want to harm fictional characters, but is sort of too distracting.
Nothing is obviously wrong with it, it just hurts like hell.
Stupid foot.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Northern Soul

This week I've been listening to some Northern Soul music, which is new for me. I've been especially enjoying this track by Sandi Sheldon.

Monday, February 08, 2010

save the something everything

I was going to post something yesterday, but instead I got ensnared in watching Heroes. I'll be done with the first season today or tommorow! (after starting last christmas...)
It's a really cool show, but I hear it gets worse, but I still chose to watch it, because that is the way I am. Irrational.
School was alright, whatever. I forgot my lunch, which was sad, but I'll live. That's an attitude I should wear around more often, it's eriely healthy.

Southerner comes out soon, and is going to be up online. I'll post a link.

I've got another writing project going on too, but it's staying under my hat for now, incase it goes nowhere.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Absolute Justice

So, last night I watched Smallville, which I never do, because it featured the JSA, and was written by Geoff Johns. (Is his last name supposed to be pronounced frenchly? M thinks so. I dunno. I still read it G-off Jones,
It was pretty entertaining. I had seen the first season, and basicly nothing else. I do not like Superman, and this version is no exception. Their Green Arrow is pretty awesome, but I'm a fan of Ollie to begin with, so... He's got the part of the charming idiot down. And Chloe as watchtower is cool! I always just thought she was a giant Mary Sue, but maybe not.
The JSA story line was pretty cool. We only meet a few members, but they're mostly well done.
I missed the first few minutes (stupid tv), and was really confused because there was a guy with a cosmic rod, and a ordinary person jacket, and there would be no way they'd include Jack Knight. Argh, comics and tv do not match!
Hawkman was cool. Doctor Fate was not. Really not. That show has some pretty terrible special affects. Fate's helemet was superlame.
The villain of the week was a fairly stupid, but pleasingly sparkly ice guy. The ongoing threat of Checkmate and Amanda Waller was neat.
So, it was an enjoyable evening, but I'm not going to start watching this regularly. If there's a Green Arrow spin off I'd be interested. (If there's a Green Arrow anything I'd be interested.)

back again, glutton for punishment

My New years resolution was to start blogging again. It's not to late, is it?
