Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Nov 22

I woke up and 8 to register for classes, but really I was awake before that, because I have roommates, and they have electronics, and my clock said 6:58 and that is my idea of hell: Any time before seven.
But whatever. I have classes, and they are awesome. (I also maybe have class, but that is not up for debate tonight.)
What's changed in registering while having actual college experience is that I think about meals while making my schedule. What does this mean about my choices to eat things? It's an important question to ask. I am all for thinking with your stomach. My stomach is smarter than a lot of my other parts.
Like the part of me that decided getting a small mocha from Starbucks in Coffman was a wonderful idea. Because my hands were cold, but they are always cold, even in the summer. It's probably poor circulation, and coffee won't do anything to cure that.
It will fuel staying up late and writing, which is what I want to do tonight. Wednesdays are always tiring, but I don't care. I've just deiced to say fuck it, and struggle through tomorrow in favor of kicking back tonight.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


the past week and half have been both really stressful and really exciting. a lot has been happening. things in my life that aren't normal yet. that could be normal in the future, but are for now still exceptional.

it's damn odd how college didn't feel like a major shift. it just seemed like the logical next thing. I think maybe I was too busy to over think it.

I can try to be excited about finals because it will stop me from over thinking things. yea!