Sunday, April 24, 2011


I just caught up with the last five episodes of Fringe and have this to say: Oh My God.
I am not even going to try to sum up all my thoughts on this. It is so crazy, and so good.

Five thoughts about Fringe {SPOILERS}
  1. Altlivia being a mother is working so much better than I would have predicted.
  2. The animation sequence worked, but I didn't love it. It was an interesting break though, and I appreciated that it was something different.
  3. Our universes Lincoln Lee with his geek glasses was swell. Here's hoping he returns.
  4. Anna Torv's Leonard Nimoy impression was funny and awesome.
  5. The second to latest episode ended with Olivia saying how, oh, that's the guy who's going to kill me, and then there is no follow up? I would like to know what it going on.
Generally, I am so in love.

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