Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Fuck you dc comincs, this is not acceptable, at all. Fuck you James Robinson, you may have written Starman, creating Jack Knight, who is one of my absolute favorites, but you fucking killed Lian Harper, the most adorable character in the dcu to cause OLLIE of all people angst? That is not ok. You put an itsy amazing minority CHILD in a fucking refigerator, which means you just fail at life. I mean, really?
Lian is awesome, Roy is awesome, the arrows are all awesome, and you are not. At all.
Why did it have to be LIAN? I would be pissed if you killed someone else, Mia, Connor, Roy, maybe even Dinah, but not LIAN, because she is an inoocent. If she is not alive before the end of brightest day I...I don't know what I am going to do, but it is going to be a strong, violent action.

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